Tag Archives: top hat

Mookey Monkey meets the Mommy

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My little sister’s having a baby!  Her family shower was this past Sunday, and I realized oddly enough, that I had never been to a baby shower before!  Is it weird to be almost 30 and not ever been to a baby shower?  I was shocked when I thought about it…  I’M A FREAK!!!

Thank goodness Gretchen (my sis) was willing to get knocked up so I could attend a baby shower and not feel like such an outcast anymore!  (That’s right, she did it just for me!!!)

For some reason, I had the worst time trying to figure out what to make for her shower.  I am usually full of ideas, and just don’t have time to do them all…but this time, I hit some kind of creative block.  It’s not that there weren’t a ton of great ideas floating around in my noodle and a million even better ideas on the internet, but I just could not get inspired…  Nothing jumped out at me!  I may have been in the corner in the fetal position several times last week.  It was three days before the shower, and at this point, I was panicking!  So I knuckled down, cued up the interwebs and went on the prowl.  And here’s what I found:

Woo hoo!  Isn’t this so cute?  One problem…my Gretchy…she is having a boy!  (No matter how much I tried to convince that fetus to be a girl, he just wouldn’t listen…)  I just figured Molly sans adorable dress and hat and Mary Jane’s could be a boy…

So here is what we had after some sewing and stuffing:

He looks pretty cute as he is…but he needed a little more.  Enter, the top hat, which you can see to the right.

I found the tutorial for this hat at imtopsyturvey.com, but when I try to go there now, it keeps telling me “bad gateway” and won’t let me look…I don’t know what that means, but curse you bad gateway!  Here is the picture (I pinned it on Pinterest.) that went with the now hiding tutorial:


If you google mini top hat patterns, there are several versions out there, but this was the one I used, and it was very lovely and simple!

So the Mookster got a hat…which looked awful lonely all by itself, so back to the interwebs we go.  This time, for a sweet bow tie:

Isn’t that kid so cute?  Well, with a little adjusting for size, I had an swell little bow tie.

Here’s the finished Mookey Monkey…shown with my mom:

Aren’t they both just so adorable?

One more for posterity:

Ha!  She would kill me if she saw this picture of her…  I don’t even care, it’s too funny not to share!

Overall, three great tutorials from the internet = one awesome baby shower present! Throw in some bath and body works unscented shea butter lotion and some little outfits, you got yourself a happy momma…and what with the pregnancy hormones, trust me, you want a very happy momma!

In August, Gretchen is having another shower for friends and I get to go to that one too.  (That’s right folks, I’m not just a sister, I’m also a friend!)  This time, I am going to get a move on and not be scrambling three days before hand to get something done.  If you need me, I’ll be crafting…
